Monday, 20 August 2012

RFnode 1.3

I received some of the PCBs for the new version of my RFnode so I spent a little time today soldering it all together and testing it out. 

This version of the board has following features.

+RGB led (on PWM pins D5, D6, D10) now can make any color.
+CR2032 lithium coin battery powered or USB powered
+Power selector switch to select between USB power and battery(CR2032)
+USnooBie compatible (
+Programmable via mini USB port (USBISP) and supports the Arduino IDE (USnooBie bootloader)
+nRF24L01+ 2.4Ghz radio transceiver 
+3.3 Volts @ 12Mhz (onboard voltage regulator)
+Breadboard friendly if you add the header (even mini breadboard)
+Only 46x24mm board size 
+SMD parts (to keep testing my soldering skills)

All assembled with radio and breadboard header, ready to go 

With CR2032 battery 

In mini breadboard, without radio attached


  1. Replies
    1. Message me, This is an older version of the board but I might have a few left. As a heads up some of the components are not easy to solder by hand.
