Thursday, 2 October 2014

Bearstrike server sneak peek

Bearstrike Server
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Work has started on creating a back end Bearstrike server. The server is designed to manage all aspects of hardware and gameplay but if you want something more Techassault have also integrated support for the Bearstrike hardware into their game platform.

Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Bearstrike boards have arrived!

Bearstrike boards have arrived!
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I think I need a bigger table.

It is a bit scary when you look at that pile and think that is 90 players/Zombies & 90 taggers and that number does not include already staged units.
I would so love to round up 110+ players to test out all the prototypes at the same time, would make for some epic gameplay chaos.

Now to start QA'ing and updating all the boards.